вторник, 24 мая 2011 г.

Hardy Fly Fishing Releases Online Store with Shopatron

SAN LUIS OBISPO, California, April 26, 2011 /PRNewswire/ --

Hardy has been producing fine fly fishing equipment since 1872, but until recently those products weren't available for purchase on Hardy's branded website so that Hardy could support its retailer partners.

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20101109/SHOPATRONLOGO )

Homestead Now Home to ‘Best’ Fishing Pond in Montana | Flathead Beacon

Click the image or use the arrows to see more photos from stocking Pine Grove Pond.

A lot happens in 128 years, but surprisingly little has changed on the Street family’s 160 acres north of Kalispell. The property, first homesteaded in 1883, has remained undeveloped and the family continues to till the land, keeping alive generations of farming tradition.

Master lake fishing with some simple techniques

Spring can be a cruel season for fly anglers. Rivers are either closed to fishing or running high and murky.

This year's snowpack is ranging above normal, so it's likely many rivers will be tough to fish even when they reopen Memorial Day weekend. (In Washington, many rivers reopen to trout fishing on June 4.)

понедельник, 23 мая 2011 г.

'Coastal road could sink fishing villages' - The Times of India

MUMBAI: The Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation's (MSRDC) plan for a coastal road on the seaward side of the Bandra-Versova stretch could lead to the decimation of five prominent fishing villages that supply seafood to the city and help fisher folk make a livelihood.

The MSRDC is considering a coastal road, including a small sea-link , over the stretch to decongest traffic and reduce the burden on existing roads. However, important old villages, like Chuim in Bandra, Khar Danda , Juhu Koliwada, Juhu Moragaon and Versova village, whose residents are predominantly fisherfolk, will be badly affected.

Bad fishing but more of it: Columbia spring fishery extended to Tuesday

Columbia River anglers will get four more days to catch hatchery-reared spring chinook salmon below Bonneville Dam because tough fishing conditions have held this year’s catch below expected levels since late last month. Fishery managers from Washington and Oregon have extended the season through Tuesday.

Sacramento Valley anglers gear up for salmon fishing's return

Tackle shops are restocking custom lures, guides are booking trips, and anglers are getting ready: Salmon are coming back to the Sacramento Valley.

It has been four years since the region enjoyed full recreational fishing access to the majestic chinook salmon, a result of cutbacks caused by a steep decline in the fall run.

понедельник, 16 мая 2011 г.

Станет ли бесплатной семужья рыбалка в Мурманской области

В пресс-центре «Комсомолки» обсудили изменения в законе о рыболовстве и другие проблемы, волнующие северян [видео]

Пока вся страна гудит о том, что рыбалка может стать платной, заполярных рыбаков волнует прямо противоположный вопрос: станет ли бесплатной ловля семги? Северяне давно привыкли, что за царицу северных рек надо платить. Другой вопрос - сколько и за что именно? На днях в пресс-центре «КП» встретились представители Баренцево-Беломорского территориального управления Росрыболовства, комитета рыбохозяйственного комплекса Мурманской области, ФГУ «Мурманрыбвод», ММБИ и рыбацкой общественности.

Мечты украинских пенсионеров: Рыбалка и путешествие в прошлое

Ярослав Михайлович с внучкой Яной.

Еще три участника акции «Мечты сбываются» от ПриватБанка стали лидерами недели.

Марина ЛЮКШИНА, Наталья МИЧКОВСКАЯ. — 28.04.2011

«Комсомолка» публикует истории из жизни финалистов, из которых можно узнать, откуда берутся заветные желания и как любимый банк помогает делать мечты реальностью.